Community Life
We pray, work, eat, celebrate, learn and grow together!
As Grace and Compassion Benedictines we live in community under a superior and we pray, work, eat, celebrate, learn and grow together. Although each sister is unique we share a common life and through mutual love and respect we help one another to find our way to God. This is a life-long process which requires patience and a spirit of generosity. After several years of formation we take vows of Stability, by which we promise to persevere in our monastic family with all its failings and strengths; Obedience and Conversion of Life, in which we continually choose to follow the Gospel each day.
Our work is varied and includes care of the elderly and sick, education, hospitality and farming in five different countries. We normally work within the convent complex and share the daily tasks according to the needs of the community and the capabilities of each sister.
Anyone who feels called to our religious community is encouraged to visit one of our houses in order to experience our way of life and begin a period of discernment. After a suitable time has passed, a candidate may apply to enter the Postulancy during which further opportunity is given to get to know the community and learn more about our life.
The Novitiate is a time of spiritual training and study under the direction of an experienced sister. It normally lasts for two years at the end of which the novice may ask to make her First Profession of Vows.
The Juniorate is a further step on the journey towards full commitment and usually lasts about 6 years. This allows plenty of time for the sister to reflect deeply on the vows and to discern with the community whether God is calling her to this life.
Finally Professed Sisters have ongoing opportunities to study and grow spiritually with the support and prayer of the community. It is also important to celebrate together to mark special occasions, to rest and reflect and above all to listen to the Lord in the silence of our hearts.